Why Cybersecurity Training Must Become a Priority?
Because the threat landscape continues to evolve rapidly, organizations are having a hard time keeping pace with the evolving cybersecurity skills required to manage their complex environments.
Cybercrime is on the upswing, and no industry is immune. The volume of cyberattacks is growing at an unprecedented rate, and attacks are severe – 96 percent of firms experienced at least one severe exploit according to a recent Fortinet Threat Landscape Report.
Today’s complex attacks now often span across malware families and use advanced techniques to target multiple attack vectors simultaneously. This enhanced focus on innovation, combined with the increased speed and volume at which new threat variants are being released into the wild, allows cybercriminals to stay a step ahead of new efforts by vendors to improve their delivery of updated signatures and patches. As a result, these criminal efforts are successfully catching far too many organizations unprepared.
Source: NETWORKComputing