
In June 2018, UBM and Informa PLC formally merged to create the world’s leading business-to-business (B2B) information service group – Informa Markets and the largest trade show organizer in the world. Informa Markets creates platforms for industries and specialist markets to trade, innovate and grow. Our portfolio is comprised of more than 550 international B2B events and brands in markets including Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Infrastructure, Construction & Real Estate, Fashion & Apparel, Hospitality, Food & Beverage, and Health & Nutrition, among others. We provide customers and partners around the globe with opportunities to engage, experience and do business through face-to-face exhibitions, specialist digital content and actionable data solutions.
In information technology industry, Informa PLC owns Black Hat, Dark Reading, Information Week, INSEC WORLD, Interop, Cloud Connect, Network Computing, and Omdia as world-leading conferences, media or think tank. As the world’s leading exhibitions organizer, we bring a diverse range of specialist markets to life, unlocking opportunities and helping them to thrive 365 days of the year.